

Gift of Time cover

The Gift of Time: Essays in Honor of Gerald M. Weinberg on his 75th birthday, ed. Fiona Charles

Successful consultants and managers present their perspectives on lessons learned from Gerald M. Weinberg. Produced as a celebration of Jerry Weinberg’s still-flourishing career, The Gift of Time is at once a tribute to a remarkable and influential consultant, teacher and author, an introduction to his work, and a collection of lively and interesting essays describing practical strategies and techniques that the contributors have applied and extended in their own work...(Reviews and a full description.)

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In this interview by Francesca Matteu, I talk about some of the things I've learned from working on troubled projects.
Play Podcast Podcast is brought to you from the editors of

The Future of Software Testing Is Ours To Make! - With new project methodologies like Agile, and managements working to contain costs, it could look as if the independent tester is obsolete. But only good testers have the specialized skills and unique mindset to decide the future of software testing as a profession.

Not Wanted on the Voyage - "Heavy baggage" practices testers don't need and should throw overboard or consign to the hold.

The Test Manager's Vade Mecum - Tools I carry with me to get a head start on new projects and add value for the customer.

Surveying The Terrain - A report that communicates the current quality of key system components in terms that business stakeholders will understand.

Bulking Up - Soft Skills for Testers - Practical ways you can strengthen your soft skills on the job. Strong people skills, especially in teamwork and communication. will make you a better tester and further your career.

Sophie's Choice - How can you protect yourself from demands to compromise your integrity? A test manager faces a turning point when she is pressured to misrepresent testing progress and status.

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